Called to the Gospel Ministry
Ministry Preparation: Accepting the Call
You must come to the place that you truly believe that God loves you no matter what is happening in your life and/or circumstances. (God is in pursuit of a love relationship with you.)
¨ Practice and perfect a love for God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, and also for others as yourself – Lev 18:19; Deut 6:5; Matt 22:37- 40
¨ Make the Word of God your daily companion, source of knowledge and resource for every situation – (Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly.
¨ Live a Life based on Faith in God, His Character and His Word – Learn to trust God no matter what happens in your life and/or circumstances.
¨ True Faith requires ACTION (James 1:22; 2:17-26). God often calls our attention to something He wants to do that we cannot do ourselves. Yet we are required to believe Him and take the actions He guides us to take.
¨ Learn to be radically “Obedience Oriented” – not “Outcome Oriented” –
Þ Obey everything you know to be God’s will and God’s Word.
Þ Obedience to God maybe costly to you and to those around you.
Þ Delayed obedience is unbelief and/or rebellion.
Þ Obey what you already know to be the Will of God .
Þ Disobedience is always costly – For leaders especially (Nadab and Abihu)
¨ Learn, understand and commit to operating under spiritual authority.
¨ Commit to absolute surrender & total dependence on God
¨ You must make major adjustments in your life to follow God:
Þ Adjustments in circumstances – Job, home, finances, and others
Þ Adjustments in relationships – Family, friends, business associates, and others
Þ Adjustments in thinking – prejudices, methods, your potential, your past, and others
Þ Adjustments in commitments – To family, church, job, plans, tradition, recreation, and others
Þ Adjustments in attitudes – How you feel about people, leaders, injury, persecutions, and others
Þ Adjustments in actions – How you pray, give, serve, etc.
Þ Adjustments in beliefs – About God, His Purposes, Ways, Your relationship to Him, etc
¨ Let all that you think, feel and do, all that you associate yourself with, talk about and commit to glorify God. If it does not glorify God then repent, turn away from it and turn back to glorifying God.
¨ As a called child of God, when it comes to some things: “Others May – You May Not”.