Manna - Recent Sermons

Rom 10:14 KJV - How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. We hope that these faith filled messages, will charge your spirit and produce fruit that remains. 


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07/30/2017Maurice Best Stay In His Presence (Stay_In_His_Presence.MP3)
Sunday Morning 1 Kings 19:9
1. Are you where God wants you to be? 2. Stop running away!: Turn around. 3. The change is here. Time to make adjustments. 4. Fine tune your hearing as you move with God. Don't work on assumptions. 5. Your abilities, gifts and skills are to benefit others. 6. Understand where God really wants you to be and be there. 7. Are you doing what you are supposed to be doing at this time. 8. Be tuned to the will of God always. 9. Don't waste time with those to whom God has not assigned you to. 10. When you pray, God sharpens your eyes and your ears. 11. Bring the fire and He arrange for the sacrifice. 12. Are you willing to make the sacrifice?
Download Stay_In_His_Presence.MP3
07/23/2017Patricia Rickrode Speak Lord! Thy Servant Heareth (SpeakLord_ForThyServantHeareth.MP3)
Sunday Morning Luke 9:1-62
When the Lord speaks to us it creates a crisis of our faith and we must make adjustments to follow on with the Lord and to enter into His plans and purposes.
Download SpeakLord_ForThyServantHeareth.MP3
07/16/2017Trena Bumbray Surrender: An Act of Worship (Surrender_-_An_Act_of_Worship.MP3)
Sunday Morning Luke 9:23-27
Surrender is not a battle of your will but an act of Worship. You must take up your cross daily and follow Christ
Download Surrender_-_An_Act_of_Worship.MP3
07/09/2017Ebony Anderson Habitation Of God - Identity In Christ (Habitation_of_God_-_Identity_In_Christ.MP3)
Sunday Morning Isaiah 66:1-2
God desires to rest in the humble hearts of those that reverentially fear Him and demonstrate their love by keeping His Word.
Download Habitation_of_God_-_Identity_In_Christ.MP3
07/02/2017Maurice Best Repositioning Youself (Repositioning_Yourself.MP3)
Sunday Morning 1 Kings 18:1-40
Download Repositioning_Yourself.MP3
06/25/2017Pastor Lisa Marie Fox The True Worshipper's Life (The_True_Worshippers_Life.MP3)
Sunday Morning John 4:23-24
The True Worshipper's Life is about Living filled with the knowledge of God's will; Giving as God purposes in your heart; Loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and Loving one another as we love ourselves; and being willing to serve as unto the Lord, not with eyeservice, but with singleness of heart, in the fear of the Lord.
Download The_True_Worshippers_Life.MP3

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